Ermeni & Rum Tarihi / İzmir Yangını

13/11/1922 tarihli, İzmir Amerikan Koleji'nde okuyan fakat İzmir Yangınından sonra göç edip Kolombiya kolejinde eğitimlerine devam eden Miss. A.Hargosian (Armenian) ve Miss. V.Sirinidou (Greek) nadir fotoğraf 21x16 cm..

"Smyrna Refugees lately arrive in the U.S to continue education at Colombia College. Two Seyewitnesses of the destriction of smyrna by the turks, have just arrived in the united states to farther their education at Colombia college. These refugees were students at American College at Smyrna, speak english fluiently and narrowly escaped a horrible death at the hands of the Turks" yazılı.